Give By Mail Make your check or money order payable to CEF® and mail to: CEF of Central Indiana PO Box 625 Westfield, IN 46074
Give In Person You are always welcome to stop in at our office. It's a good idea to call ahead to make sure someone is at the office at the time you plan to arrive. 317-518-5182 Address: 9247 N Meridian St, Suite 208, Indpls, IN 46260
The Legacy Fund The Legacy Fund is for those who have made a Planned Gift: naming CEF as a beneficiary of their IRA, will or life insurance—making secure its ministries for generations to come. IRA charitable rollover is a special opportunity for those 70.5 and over!
Employer Matching Programs Many employers offer matching gift programs. Check with your employer to see if they have such an opportunity.
If your employer supports United Way programs, we won't be listed, but you can write us in. List us as "CEF of Indiana, Inc. Central Indiana Chapter, PO Box 625, Westfield, IN 46074."
Honor Someone With a Gift to CEF Would you like to honor someone on a special birthday, anniversary or major accomplishment? Make a donation in their name as a way to honor him/her. We will send a special acknowledgement card to that individual when his/her address is provided.